Home Birth Services

What’s Included:


Prenatal Care


Labor and Birth


Postpartum & Newborn Care


Learn more on our homebirth service below:

Medical Records:

All your records, prenatal visits, contracts, agreements, appointments, messaging, and billing are managed through Client Care, a virtual portal. When you decide to come into care with me as your midwife I will send you an activation link to get started. This helps us to leave a smaller carbon footprint, (not using paper records) and provides a convenient way to access your healthcare records at any time.


I am currently not able to receive Medi-Cal for insurance payments. I am in the process of applying to be a Medi-Cal provider. If you are interested in midwifery or birthing center care to receive Medi-Cal, there are many in our region that are able to take Medi-Cal and have your birth completely covered as far as costs out of pocket.

Traditional Midwifery Care

Taking responsibility for offerings I have had the privilege to learn, I am dedicated to bringing these ways and technologies back to my community. These foundational teachings are at the heart of my practice.

Clinical Knowledge Combined

Incorporating clinical skills has been a focus of my education, allowing me to practice and become licensed by the California Medical Board.


Postpartum Sealing Ceremony